Happy 2012!

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been almost a month since I last posted. December was a busy busy month. So many holiday parties and work and vacation and traveling and exploring the city at Christmas time and celebrations. Finally, things are turning to normal. I hope everyone had an amazing holiday season and a great start to 2012! Here’s to a year full of happiness <3

{ NYE dinner with friends at Sushisamba }

{ upstairs in the bar dancing to Brazilian beats }


Until next time
<3 jenna

weekend recap

Only a few more weekends until Christmas :) :)

This past weekend was full of celebration. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Ryan and Katie, were in from Colorado for Katie’s birthday. Friday night, we all met up at Club Lucky in Bucktown to celebrate her 30th birthday. Food was delish. Totes recommend it if you haven’t been! Afterward, we all headed to Trader Todd’s in Wrigleyville. It’s become a birthday tradition of Katie’s to always celebrate there. If you haven’t been, you should. It’s a great laid back karaoke bar.

{ birthday girl belting out a tune }

{ is it love? }

{ or is it abuse? ha }

Saturday night, some of my friends were throwing a Christmas party at their place. I LOVE Christmas parties. Everyone was dressed up looking so nice. Christmas music playing. Lights strung. Rain falling from the sky. Wait, that’s not very Christmas-y. Best part of the party? Photo set-up. I mean… just look at this and tell me you’re not impressed…

I can’t wait for more Christmas celebrations. I love this holiday :)

Sunday, per the usual, was NFL all day long <3

How was everyone’s weekend?

Until next time
<3 jenna