hidden beauty gem: meltdown

Girls, let’s get real. The worst part of wearing make-up is taking it off! I hate washing my face and getting the black raccoon eyes because my cleanser and/or supposed “make-up remover” won’t actually do it’s job. First off, it hurts to scrub my face to get my eye make-up off. Second, I lost a million eyelashes from attempting to clean my mascara off. Third, rubbing and tugging your skin accelerates aging.

Time to share my secret, and GASP… it’s from my grandma and mom! It’s called Meltdown, which is a Signature Club A product by Adrienne. As far as I know, you can only buy on HSN (Home Shopping Network) – which is my gma’s fave channel.

The product is simply amazing. It’s a light creme that you cover your face with. Leave it on for a few seconds, then take a warm wash cloth to gently remove. No rubbing necessary : ) It literally melts your make-up off your face – yes, even the waterproof eyeliner and mascara!! They come in 4.5oz or 9oz. One small jar of this will last you for MONTHS + it’s not too expensive – $18.95 for 4.5oz, $22.95 for 9oz. If you totes love it, you can have it autoship to your house like I do : ) Best of all, this leaves your face feeling like a baby’s bottom!

{ enjoy! }

Until next time
<3 jenna