photoshoot with the robinsons

A week or so ago, I went back home for a photoshoot with 3 of the cutest kids I know – my nephews and niece. It was my first time shooting children, which made for an exciting day. The wind was incredible that day, but we luckily had the sun to keep us warm! I have tons of amazing pictures, but here’s a look at the day!


Until next time
<3 jenna

first photo session

As some of my followers know, I just bought a new amazing dSLR a few weeks back but haven’t really had the chance to use it how I want. This past weekend, my hubby was kind enough to be my model so I could practice a bit with my new camera :) We wondered across the street to Ohio Street Beach, then to the park nearby, then to Navy Pier. Here’s some of the work that came out of that session. Let me know what you think!

{ my fave! }


Until next time
<3 jenna

well hello there beautiful <3

In record timing, my camera arrived at my doorstep (well at my building step). I ordered it Sunday night and it was at my place mid-day Wednesday. I knew when it was arriving, so I came into work at 7:30am (I start at 9am) to ensure I could get off early at 4:00pm to pick up the packages from our package lady before she closed. Without fail, I was sucked into work and couldn’t leave until 5pm. Got home and my hubby had gotten it for me. Of course, I had tons of work to do last night so I ended up working for 3 hours straight before even touching the box.

Once I did open it, oh boy was it fun!!! I carefully took it out and did the typical Jenna and inspected every inch :). I was finally able to see the weight of the camera without crazy heavy lenses attached or the security bars attached. It fits in my hand like a glove, a beautiful glorious expensive glove. Oh how I love it!!

I did some basic set up, then cracked open my lens! Started taking the pictures and was utterly suprised at how amazing it is. Trust me, I shot this TONSSSSSSSSS before buying but there’s only so many things to shoot in the store. I took tons of pictures of Jake as he watched basketball. I planned to load them last night… however it required me downloading the software to my computer and I just didn’t have the desire to do that. It takes beautiful pictures. The bokeh is pretty :) Just holding it reinforces that I made the right choice!

I can’t wait to play more tonight! I am meeting some friends for drinks, but plan to pull an all-nighter … of fun :) I need to work on buying my camera bag because I don’t want to take this outside ANYWHERE without a bag.

I brought the manual book with me today to work. Yes, I read tons on my break trying to teach myself as much as possible about the functionality of the camera. I’m very familiar with it, but there are a few things that I’m not 100% sure how to use.

Now comes time to practice! I hope to go home soon to shoot my niece, nephews, etc. I’ve had quite a few friends offer up themselves and/or their family in an effort to build my portfolio – can’t wait!

I’m also in negotiations with the person that owns the domain I want. Here’s hoping I get it!! So excited.

Until next time
<3 jenna

sweet home chicago!!

After 2 weeks in Santa Monica, I’m finally back to my city – ChiCity! Although Santa Monica is a beautiful place with the ocean and the hills and cliffs…

{ santa monica looking out to malibu }

Nothing beats coming home to this…

{ home <3 }

Downtown LA is incredibly dirty, small, and disgusting. It literally smells like homeless piss every single step you take. Seriously gross. Chicago, regardless of the bitterly cold and snowy winters is the most beautiful city!

As some of you know, I was in the LA area for a photoshoot for Harley. The photoshoot went great, but it was a long long 2 weeks. It’s so funny how when someone hears that I was going or went on a shoot, they always say how cool it is and exciting it is that I get to travel. Most popular question is, “Did you go sight-seeing? Did you go shopping? Did you have your weekends off?” I laugh. Going on a photoshoot isn’t a vacation, unfortunately. You don’t get to sight-see, unless you count looking out the window as you drive to the next location. You work grueling hours, and you barely sleep. You work through weekends, never have them off. Yes, it’s awesome to work on a shoot and travel… but working those kinda hours are tough. I can’t see my husband, family, or friends. In addition with the 2 hour timezone difference, it was incredibly hard to even call anyone.

I met some AMAZING people while on the shoot. The cast was great. The crew was fab. Our make-up artist was the sweetest. The production assistants? Pure hilarious and a total pleasure to work with. The highlight of my trip, though, was being able to shadow 2 of the most amazing photographers. They’ve done work on a slew of clients, including another client of mine – Converse.  The two alone are amazing and hilarious people, but man their work is beautiful. As a few of you may now, I’m working on seriously moving forward with photography. Following these photographers gave me so much insight and inspiration. I can’t wait :)

From the whole shoot process, including the actual shoot and casting, I had an eye-opening experience and learned a GREAT deal about beauty. More to come later :)

Until next time
<3 jenna